AE教程-简单图形设计包装动画制作 Lynda – Motion Design in After Effects (英文字幕)

了解如何使用After Effects中的动作设计工具制作动画。本课程通过组合两个应用程序以提供动画数字标牌,可以帮助您充分利用Illustrator和After Effects。了解如何使用Illustrator模板从头开始创建图稿。探索如何在After Effects中导入文件,自定义工作区并为图层设置动画,并充分利用After Effects中向量的所有出色功能。然后,讲师Eran Stern演示了如何拉伸3D形状和文本,如何创建模型来模拟产品在现实世界中的使用方式以及如何渲染结果。

Learn how to tell a story using the motion design tools in Adobe After Effects. This course helps you get the most out of Illustrator and After Effects by combining the two applications to deliver an animated digital sign. Find out how to create artwork from scratch using an Illustrator template. Discover how to import files in After Effects, customize your workspace, and animate layers, taking advantage of all the great things you can do with vectors in After Effects. Instructor Eran Stern then shows how to extrude 3D shapes and text, create a mockup to simulate how the product will be used in the real world, and render your result.



AE教程-简单图形设计包装动画制作 Lynda – Motion Design in After Effects (英文字幕)


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